Posted on Apr 07,2013 in USA

Four men arrested for motorcycle marriage proposal stunt

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Seen this? Apparently, on January 27 this year, about 250 bikers blocked the eastbound Interstate 10 in West Covina, California for 10 minutes. The reason? So one of their buddies could propose to his girlfriend.

At one point, a bike sent up a cloud of pink smoke and the girlfriend accepted the proposal. But police was not amused, quite obviously. The stunt was captured on video, went viral on the Internet, with the 24-year old groom – Hector Martinez – and his close friends bragging about their stunt. Not a good thing.

He and three of his friends were booked for investigation of misdemeanor, public nuisance and participating in unlawful assembly. Hector Martinez was booked for investigation of exhibition of speed, authorities said.

via Cyril Huze Blog

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