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Maria Riding Company » Mighty Blue | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Apr 07,2013 in Custom

Maria Riding Company » Mighty Blue

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The idea here was to give this brand new zero-mileage Triumph Thruxton a radical and extreme overall visual. The project – by Lisbon-based Maria Motorcycles – apparently was carried out on this specific model, instead of the traditional Boneville, mainly because of its engine specifications and braking power.

New all terrain tyres were the starting point for the new look, with all the original controls, mirrors and instruments taken out. The guys also cleaned up this part of the bike to give it a simpler and lower front. The handlebar was changed into a larger 81cm unit and painted in white, along with a small custom speedo and headlight. The back part of the bike’s frame was cut to give it a short and massive look, while a new smaller black mudguard and backlight finished the back.

As much as possible of the chromed bits were blacked out. A new exhaust system was strapped in along with new predator mufflers covered with thermo resistant black matte paint. The dark bits beautifully complement the fuel tank, inspired by old school NASCAR race cars.

Early on, it was decided to put the numbers in the side plates, but after cutting them in stainless steel, it was decided to leave them on with the natural metal texture.

The seat was custom made to give it a slim look, and smaller than the original. The beige leather colour is important as well, endowing the bike with a dirt and desert appearance.

The motor is stock, save for deleted filters and a tune up on the injection.

via Moto Rivista

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