Posted on Apr 08,2013 in Harley Davidson

Iron Man 3 and Harley-Davidson join forces

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Harley-Davidson and Marvel Entertainment, LLC are teaming up for Marvel’s Iron Man 3 “Man & Machine” contest where fans can win a chance to be a part of a comic book created by Marvel. Fans can go online and select a custom Harley-Davidson motorcycle to design. The winners will be drawn into the comic book as a member of the “Road Force” team.


Five winners will be selected to become a part of a Marvel Avengers comic book where their likenesses will be drawn into the series with the motorcycles they selected and the characters they create. All winners will receive a VIP trip to Comic-Con International, where they’ll participate in an event where their Road Force characters will be unveiled and immortalized. One grand prize winner will also win the custom Harley-Davidson motorcycle they created (minus the armament, of course.)

Now through May 31, consumers can enter the Marvel’s Iron Man 3 Man & Machine contest online at www.harley-davidson.com/ironman. Entry is as easy as creating a profile, writing a character’s backstory and selecting a favorite Harley motorcycle from a gallery of bikes.

Meanwhile, here are the official trailers for the upcoming flick.

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