
Posted on Apr 11,2013 in Custom

Saint and Sinner » Honda CB750F Supersport

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Nicknamed the “Saint and Sinner” by its owner, this bike entered Kott Motorcycles as clunky and cumbersome as all 750 Supersports do. With a desperate need for weight reduction, lowered center of gravity, and machine manageability the motto for a Honda 750 Supersport is “keep it stock or chop hard”. Complete renovation of the rear disc brake was the first task at hand. The incorporation of a modernized rear master cylinder as well as a rear set design that not only maintains a period-correct aesthetic and at the same time capitalizes on present-day functionality, has made this bike an exceptional, enigmatic creation.

The black and gold stunner boasts a new seat unit, constructed from ¼” steel round bar and sheet steel; Kott designed it to reflect the angularity of the Honda’s fuel tank and accommodate an integrated turn signal/brake light. While the mini speedo and tach are attached to the stock mounting holes for the original ignition switch, Kott crafted a pair of 2″ standoffs to lower the height of the gauge faces and also drilled the headlight to allow the drive cables to pass through the bucket. New rearsets improve the riding position, while the CB’s rear master cylinder has been replaced with a late-Eighties Yamaha FZR600 item. The rims feature black oxide spokes, beautifully complementing the gold anodizing, chrome and black powder coat elsewhere on the bike.


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