Car and bike drifting » Hot Pursuit
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Sweet vid of a car and bike drifting and doing random stuff at the F1 Magny-Cours Circuit.
– For the historic vehicles: les Dingos Gordos (Jean-Pierre Chauveau) and l’ANAVA 58 (Joël Avril)
– For the F3s: LSP, Serge Lapierre
– For the proto and the F1: Prestige Racing, Joël Rivière
– For the Porsches: Serge Incorvaia
– For the two competition bikes: Ambiance Paddock, Fabien Baubigny
– For the music: the group Chubby Faced and Sacha Moraes
– This film has no other ambition but to enliven and rejuvenate the Circuit image, its visibility and its sustainability on the web
– And finally, the help and skills of the 3 Mekatrix brothers, nor without the talent and ingenuity of Maxime Doridot
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