Posted on May 02,2013 in iPhone

2013 MotoGP Live Experience App winning rave reviews

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The MotoGP Live Experience app can be found on the iTunes App Store for iOS devices and on Google Play, for Android devices, and since its launch it has gone down a storm with users, whilst also catching the attention of key media outlets.

In the well respected Technology Blog of UK based newspaper The Guardian, the app was listed amongst their best rated iPhone and iPad apps, alongside the description, “This promises great things for fans of MotoGP racing. Officially licensed for the 2013 season, it’s designed to be used while races are happening live, with audio and text commentary, live timing and 3D tracking of practice, qualifying sessions and races, with video highlights and news in between events.”


Cyclenews.com, meanwhile, noted, “For the 2013 season MotoGP has created a completely redesigned application to enhance your experience of the World Championship, with a new interface, new functionalities, extended content and additional languages – plus the major added bonus feature of video highlights from every session of every Grand Prix.”

One of the world’s most prominent tech websites, Gizmodo.com, also enthused about the app, stating, “Compared to past editions, the 2013 Live Experience is a heck of a lot cleaner and easier to use. The entire season schedule, all manner of media (videos, images, news stories) and rider profiles for the premier class can all be accessed from the start screen. This is probably one of the most interactive sports app available.”

Gizmodo.com continued, “If you can’t make the race yourself or watch it on TV or stream it online, this is about as good as it’s going to get. And it’s really, quite good.”

MotoGP fans who have downloaded the app are also enjoying the 2013 edition, with Australian user Marty_46 providing the following review – “Worth every cent and if you’re a MotoGP fan this app is a must have. I love the post race interviews as our TV station sometimes cuts them from the replay. The live info is great too. Top job all round guys!”

AdzCarpenter, a MotoGP fan from the UK commented, “It’s amazing on race day to see all the riders going round the track, real time. I felt like a team boss as it gives live intermediate splits, top speeds etc too. You can really see the advantage the Repsol Honda has down the straight (sort it out Yamaha!). Also displays pop ups when riders crash or breakdown. Love MotoGP? Get this app.”

Download the MotoGP Live Experience app now via the iTunes App Store for iOS devices or Google Play for Android devices.

via MotoGP

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