
Posted on May 08,2013 in Dubai

Bikers Café celebrates second birthday!

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From its inception on the 6th of May 2011, Bikers Café was a very daring concept, an innovatively themed one-of-a-kind restaurant, the like of which no one had ever laid eyes upon in the UAE, or the Middle East for that matter. We gently nurtured it and savoured every minute of its progress, and now, on this very day, two years later, we take huge pride in saying that the ground-breaking café is a cheeky two years old. And what better way to celebrate the birthday than to have a big party, with all those customers and fans who’ve been with us all through, and the new ones who’re coming in for the very first time! And so it was yesterday, with a massive turnout of bikers and non-bikers attending the festivity.

As a nod to our loyal customers, Bikers Café gave away cool tees, gift hampers, awesome stickers and even exclusive gift vouchers for our other newly opened outlet, Hugo Café. With the weather still pleasant enough for dining outdoors, guests truly adored the BBQ Night, with some preferring to dine inside the motorcycle-themed café. And of course, there was a raffle draw, with our lucky participant taking home a cool iPod Touch. Once again, a big shout out to all our guests and friends for making our birthday bash a smashing success.

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