Noted explorer Warren McDonald visits Bikers Café
We had the privilege of hosting Warren McDonald at Bikers Café recently. For those of you who don’t know him yet, Warren’s inspirational story and powerful message of hope deliver life-changing insight on not only navigating, but embracing change; with focus, energy and confidence. As a keynote speaker, Warren works with innovative, forward thinking companies and associations; from the financial and insurance and energy and resources sectors, to healthcare and education. His clients are looking to foster “out of the box” thinking; the kind of thinking that led him to become the first double above-knee amputee to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa’s tallest peak. Whilst Warren had come to the UAE for a function elsewhere, he did come down to the café for dinner with Aisha Harib from Social Bandage. Bikers Café CEO Mr. Khalid Bin Hadher welcomed the noted environmentalist and explorer.