Posted on May 30,2013 in IOMTT

New DVD » TT Legends: The Inside Track

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TT Legends, the exciting eight-part documentary series originally broadcast on the telly, is now available to buy on DVD. Produced by Gaucho Productions, TT Legends: The Inside Track, follows the Honda TT Legends team as they take on the 2012 season and some of the world’s toughest bike races. From Japan to Germany and from Le Mans to the Isle of Man, the documentary follows these ordinary men doing extraordinary things.

John McGuinness, nicknamed the ‘The Morecambe Missile’, is an ex-bricklayer and mussel picker from the north of England who has won the legendary Isle of Man TT nineteen times. He is joined in the TT Legends team by Cameron Donald and Simon Andrews. Donald is Australia’s fastest plumber and a two-time winner of the Isle of man TT. Andrews is a fearless young gun who was the fastest newcomer at the TT in 2011. Together they are the TT Legends.

The documentary goes ‘behind the screens’ as the team competes in the World Endurance Championship. The season kicks off with the famous Bol d’Or, a twenty-four hour race at the Magny Cours circuit in France. Then they’re off to Doha, Germany and even Japan for the famous Suzuka 8-Hour before they return to France for the Le Mans 24-hour. Each race brings its own, distinct challenge for the team. In Suzuka, for example, we’ll join McGuinness in an ice bath, a welcome antidote to the searing heat.

These circuit races are accompanied by legendary road races in Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man. McGuinness is the man to beat on the roads with Donald and Andrews among his toughest rivals. Gaucho Productions were there to witness the contrast, as these friends and teammates now push each other to the limit and beyond.

Away from the races, the series will show the team as they relax away from the pressures of racing, learning what makes them tick and why these men are willing to risk everything to race on bumpy public roads at over 200mph. And you’ll meet the families and friends who must cope with the stress of watching them race. Over eight, half-hour episodes, witness all the tears, tantrums and triumphs as this fascinating team enjoys an epic season.


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