
Posted on Jul 06,2013 in Classic

La Raiz Motorcycles » BSA 650 Lightning

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This beautiful custom BSA 650, built by La Raiz Motorcycles from Spain, was featured recently on Moto Rivista. If you’re a bike geek, you’ll remember that, way back in 1951, the BSA Group acquired Triumph Motorcycles to become the largest producer of motorcycles in the world. The Brits, comprising of Triumph, BSA, and Norton ruled some markets until the arrival of the Japanese manufacturers in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

La Raiz points out that this custom BSA 650 Lightning is for Spanish tattoo artist Nortes who also owns a Norton commando, Triumph Bonneville and Harley Xl1200, among others. While the plan was to retain the classic lines of the original, the sub-frame was lowered by a few centimeters and the shocks were replaced with new ones. The motor was overhauled and the old electrical system made way for a custom one.

Finishing off the build is a sweet handcrafted exhaust, along with a single seat, dirt tyres and race number plate around the headlight.

via Moto Rivista

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