
Posted on Jul 13,2013 in Bonneville

Maria Riding Company » Juliette

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It’s been a while since we heard from the guys at Maria Riding Company, Lisbon, Portugal. Guess they have been hard at work on this new piece of art, a custom Triumph Bonneville named Juliette. According to the company, “This custom was much simpler than our other projects. Our client came to us with a used 2002 Triumph Bonneville, which was not in bad shape. We wanted to give it a distinctive exclusive look.

Initially we wanted to do an army scrambler looking bike, because this was something our client loved. We took that inspiration and it evolved to something that reflected military looks but also classy and clean at the same time. We chose the green color for the rims, headlight, and tank because for us this was something different that carried some inspiration from the past, and also gave it a military touch.

The valve and carb covers were a bit oxidized, so we thought painting them with a different color from the rest, could look exotic and cool! A little bit of “racing” detail! On the overall we loved the chromatics on this project!

The owner had already baptized the bike of “Juliette” so, we thought it was cool to write some romantic words from “Romeo and Juliette” on the tank, to enrich the overall look!”

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