
Posted on Jul 15,2013 in Custom

Rajputana Royal Enfield » Numero Uno

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You’ve all heard of Rajputana Customs from India. They were approached by jeans company Numero Uno with the request to build a one-off bike that will proudly represent the brand. What happened after is nothing short of spectacular. As with most Rajputana customs, this bike was built from the ground up.

The base is the classic Indian 500cc Royal Enfield, heavily modified to become one of the best-looking cafe racers out there. The tail section was re-designed and the frame was cut to make way for the new frame loop. The seat wasn’t covered in leather as most builders do, but in jeans fabric from the Numero Uno clothing line. The swingarm was strengthened and redesigned, allowing the single rear shock to be mounter (stock is dual shock setup).

The front was borrowed from a KTM (as they are made in India) while the hand-built custom tank and rear fender were painted in Numero Uno blue. Just check all the neat details such as the bar ends, fuel tank cover and triple tree details – it’s all done to perfection. But the best part is the price. 450,000 Rupees or around USD 8,000! That’s one hell-of-a-deal considering that you get a bike and worldwide exposure for the same money!

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