
Posted on Jul 18,2013 in Custom

British American Motors » Triumph Scrambler

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The stock 2012 Triumph Scrambler is pretty much a stunner straight from the factory, but that doesn’t mean it can’t look any better. Take British American Motors for example. They are the dealers of Triumph motorcycles, but not those strict types who do everything by the book. No, they love their machinery and they know how the please the customer – and this custom Triumph that they made – it is an art piece.

The devil is in the details, and that’s exactly what the BA Motors guys did to this Scrambler – as they changed only the important ones – creating a bike, one that should leave the factory in the first place without the clutter of parts governed by silly laws and regulations.

The suspension was first for a change. The stock forks received new internals from Progressive and ticker oil – making it more usable on the hard off-road tracks without the “bottoming out” problems. The rear shocks were changed for the pair of 970′s from the same brand – the ones with the remote reservoirs. Tires were second, and Pirelli Scorpion aggressive off-roader’s replaced the stock ones.

Protaper handlebars and waved brake rotors also made way onto the bike. The ASV levers and custom LED lighting completed the picture of a serious go-have-fun-bike. We love it!

Dealers are’t all the same. Some of them are just better.

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