Posted on Aug 21,2013 in Custom

Pure Motorcycles » Black Beauty

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You might have come across a few creations by French builder Pure Motorcycles, who excel at tweaking vintage Japanese motorcycles, especially the Honda CB500. Cafes, brats, trackers, whatever they might be, they’re all crowd pullers. The amount of detail that goes into each build is amazing, and photos don’t really do them justice, we tell you! And when it comes to something like the CB500, it’s sort of the perfect beach-hopping bike, and when it comes to being in the south of France, all you need are jeans, tees, sneakers and an open-face lid.

The “Black Beauty” as this one is called, is Pure Motorcycles’ fourth ’76 Honda CB 500. The forks have been shortened and the rear shrouded suspension lowered, with the wire spoke wheels powdercoated black and wearing a set of Direstone deluxe rubber, while braking chores are handled by twin ventilated discs.

The engine retains the original set-up except for electronic ignition, velocity carbs and a Marving Racing exhaust. The large yellow-lensed headlamp is also stock but given that extra bit of oomph by the use of mini indicators, front and back and tiny instruments. The old school cafe racer seat is from a Suzuki 125 which has been re-formed by hand for racy monoposto looks.

While the list of mods might be short, the bike drips hand-finished quality, detailing and choice of components, from the controls and grips to the tail lighting and fender.

via The Bike Shed

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