
Posted on Aug 22,2013 in Custom

Shaw Speed & Custom » Strike True II

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Strike True II was the bike that put Shaw Speed & Custom on the map in the world of customised Harley-Davidsons. The bike, with its 1940s influences, was built on a 2010 Harley-Davidson Crossbones FLSTSB.

By notching up first place at the London International Motorcycle Show in the AMD Modified Harley-Davidson class, entry was guaranteed entry into the World Championships at Sturgis USA, that summer. The bike travelled the distance and went all the way to take the World title, the first time a Harley-Davidson Dealership had ever won the title and the first time the award had gone to Europe.

A new HD fuel tank was used to give the bike a lower stance and with modifications in house the tank was cut and re-welded to give a classic look and show the now more exposed Rocker covers. The bikes detailing includes a Speed & Custom rear fender, made in house which sits low and hugs the 200mm rear tyre. The large diameter 21″ front rim, oval custom oil tank and a front end with custom-made number board make the bike stand out. Other styling changes include 1940 Speedster handlebars, Performance Machine master cylinder, switch gear and forward controls. The Roland Sands seat and engine parts cover the mechanics. The finishing touches are the Italian made glass air breather from Garage 1571, and brass grips and foot pegs.

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