
Posted on Aug 31,2013 in Custom

DoZer Garage » Ural 650

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Ural motorcycles have been around since before the 2nd World War and were used by the ground troops of the Red Army as combat motorcycles. Fast forward into the modern era and Sergey Shvets a.k.a. The Dozer presents a masterpiece based on the early Ural bike. “My friends call me DoZer, I live and work in Kiev, Ukraine. My interest in motorcycles started at 10 years of age, after watching the movie Terminator. I was then more like Honda John, by 15 I escaped from the children of the Christian camp and bought my first motocross bike!”

With not much of a motorcycle culture to talk about in Ukraine, Sergey was inspired by the European and Japanese masters, although great news is that things are improving with the increasing popularity of two wheelers in his country.

The base for this build was a classic Ural 650. To begin with the build the stock bike was stripped down to the frame, which has been heavily modified to adapt the new style. The standard Ural 650 engine has been paired with a Dnepr 4 speed gearbox and custom DoZer exhaust system. The use of copper adds the retro touch to this 650, to compliment the use of brown on this bike DoZer has crafted a custom seat with matching brown leather.

At the front this custom Ural 650 features a V-twin handlebar wrapped in a pair of brown posh grips. The front headlight is a custom Dnepr and the rear is GAZ 69. The finished bike rolls on classic Shinko tires. By creating this custom Ural 650 DoZer Garage has set the standard for the custom scene in the Ukraine!

Article courtesy MotoRivista
Photos by Eugene Kredentser

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