
Posted on Sep 01,2013 in Custom

Warwick Lyon » Sportster Forty Eight

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When Warwick Lyon started work on this Sportster “Forty Eight” his intention was to build a modern interpretation of a cafe racer with elements of a hard-boiled street-fighter.

The overall concept was nothing new, the usual “take an already powerful motorcycle, in terms of performance and appearance, and modify it to enhance that power”. Lyon achieved this through simple engine modifications to increase horsepower and responsiveness. Significant modifications to the body work, riding position and overall geometry of the motorcycle helped improve handling and provide an aggressively powerful stance.

The design is heavily influenced by elements of modern café racers and streetfighters. Lyon removed the cruiser style rear fender and replaced it with a custom fabricated tail section, raising the rear end 2.5” and lowering the front end slightly, fitting a larger capacity tank, replacing the cruiser style foot controls with racer style rear-sets, and fitting clip-on handlebars with bar-end mirrors.

via Ellaspede

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