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The 2013 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride » Dubai Chapter | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Sep 30,2013 in Dubai

The 2013 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride » Dubai Chapter

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The Distinguished Gentleman’s ride is all about dapper, classic bikes and fun. It is a motorcycle ride that takes place in over 110 cities worldwide on the exact same day. It is the only event of its kind and all spawned from a single image of a gentleman on a motorcycle in a suit.

Started in 2012, the event was held in 64 cities across the world in its first year. This year, the decision was made to bring more purpose to the event. In 2012, it was all about spreading merriment and riding. In 2013 it’s all about spreading merriment, riding, creating awareness for Men’s health issues and funding for multiple charities. So, the money raised through the sale of patches, stickers and fundraising will be split between charities that focus on Prostate Cancer research and awareness that showcase preventive procedures.

The UAE chapter of the event saw the ride kick off from Bikers Café. Local and expatriate riders started coming in by 7PM, dressed to the hilt in strict formal wear, suits and ties. Some beautiful bikes were brought down, including café racers, custom-built Royal Enfields, Buells and many more. Around 50 odd bikers had a great time talking about motorcycling and related stuff before heading out for the ride.

In 2014, the event’s goal is to network with more health charities and contribute money raised from rides in their area to a charity in the area or relative to the country. Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride will also be creating own awareness campaigns targeted towards motorcycle enthusiasts and continue to explore other concepts that bring motorcycle enthusiasts around the world together for good causes.

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