Posted on Oct 23,2013 in Dubai

Gulf Bike Week presents fifth Charity Bike Ride

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Gulf Bike Week brings back a favorite part of its show – the Charity Bike Ride – to biking enthusiasts and spectators alike. Known to its participants as the popular ‘Thunder Parade’, the fifth annual parade is scheduled to take place on 25 October 2013, with the support of Dubai Police and Dubai Civil Defence. A key feature of Gulf Bike Week, the Thunder Parade will bring together over 70 motorcycle clubs from across the GCC in support of the UN World Food Programme.

Christopher Hudson, Managing Director, Clarion Events Middle East, said: “Last year, the fourth parade took place in aid of Dubai Autism with approximately 1,000 participants, making it the largest bike parade to have taken place in the Middle East. This year we expect over 1,200 bikes riding across Dubai.”

Commencing with the Harley Davidson’s “Come Together, Change Lives” Open House on Oct 25th 2013, where Harley-Davidson will be unveiling its iconic new 2014 models – the Thunder Parade will be led by Harley-Davidson this year. Through the Open House, Harley-Davidson will also be inviting riders to purchase their pins in support of the cause, with proceeds going to WFP.

This year’s Gulf Bike Week brings visitors a number of other activities as well: a Custom Bike Building Competition, The Pump Track, Street Bike Stunts, 12 live local bands and DJs, plenty of delicious food and beverage options, and over 100 leading bike brands showcasing the latest bikes, riding gear and accessories.

Gulf Bike Week will be held from 24 – 26 October 2013 at the Dubai Media City Amphitheatre. This years event promises to be bigger and better, with and an estimated audience of over 20,000 bikers and non-bikers.

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