
Posted on Oct 24,2013 in Custom

Hageman Motorcycles » Yamaha Star Bolt Scrambler

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If you’re a fan of customized Yamahas, you’re probably also a big fan of Doc’s Chops. Owned by Greg Hageman, the American XV-focussed shop (which has since been renamed to Hageman Motorcycles) recently took part in a build-off organized by Yamaha America to create the awesome-st 2014 Star Bolt. And even though it’s not an XV, Greg’s piece of art went on to win the competition, which included big names like Roland Sands Design and Jesse Rooke.

The decision was made to work upon a DT400 scrambler, but, instead of chopping it up into little pieces, Greg wanted to come up with a realistic build that could be integrated into Yamaha’s line up and sold ‘as is’ at their dealerships. As such, the motor is pretty much stock, with the custom benefitting from a set of laced wheels, enduro tyres and numerous tasteful details. Neat stuff we think.

Photos by Erick Runyon

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