
Posted on Dec 01,2013 in Custom

Custom » Honda CB750 Four » Sur Les Chapeaux De Roues

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This beautiful Honda CB750 Four custom is Sur Les Chapeaux De Roues’ first custom project built for a customer. According to Manuel “This 1976 Honda CB750 Four was commissioned by our very first customer from Paris. When we received the donor bike we found it was in a pretty bad state and had 70,000 km on it.”

With 70,000km on the odo, it is no surprise that the engine needed a full rebuild, with the list including a new set of pistons, distribution chain, clutch, seals and a custom exhaust system. The frame was modified at the rear to adapt the new style. At the rear, this custom gets a pair of rear shocks, while at the front it features an oil spy front fork. The stock wheels were crowned with new bearings and a new brake.

“We spent almost 3 months on his bike. The biggest challenge of this Honda CB750 Four was the painting of the fuel tank with a raw side, and to repair the motor we spent a lot of time on it. This Honda CB750 Four custom was our first customer build and he was so happy when he saw the bike finished, it was very cool to have his gratitude of our work.”

via Motorivista

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