Custom » Kruz Co’s XS400
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Kruz Customs describe themselves as ‘new to the scene’ builders from Belgium who take their inspiration from first-gen dirt track racers from the Seventies. They picked up this 1980 Yamaha XS400 Custom at the French border in a very sorry state and went about fixing it up before the project could get up and running. The custom rear seat was made at Niyona’s workshop and mounts neatly onto the custom rear loop. The coils were tucked away under the CB125-sourced tank. Other bits include SBK-spec Brembos up front, Brembo PR15 RCS clutch, custom headlight and fenders, Renthal custom handlebars with a classy Mini speedo, exhaust wrapped with stainless steel stitching and custom wiring.
via The Bike Shed
Images by True Biker Spirit
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