
Posted on Dec 09,2013 in Uncategorized

Stuff that we can’t afford » Atmos Hermes Clock

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More objet d’art than timepiece, the Atmos Hermes Clock is a functional thing of beauty. A three-part collaboration between luxury brands Hermes, Jaeger-LeCoultre, and Saint-Louis, this crystal bubble globe houses an incredible piece of time-keeping technology – the Atmos clock. The world’s only mechanical timepiece that does not require any winding from a human hand — it uses changes in the surrounding temperature to interact with a gas-filled capsule that expands and contracts to wind the movement. With design from Hermes, and master hand-made glass craftsmanship from Saint-Louis, this clock represents an incredible partnership, ingenious craftsmanship, and attention to detail completely uncommon among average household items. The price is unknown at this time, but it sure looks like we can’t afford it. Sadly.


via Uncrate

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