
Posted on Dec 15,2013 in Concept

Kawasaki “J” Concept » 2013 Tokyo Motor Show

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Kawasaki recently revealed the “J” three-wheel electric concept vehicle at this year’s 2013 Tokyo Motor Show – a personal mobility system of the future that adapts to the type of travel required, from city riding to fun sport riding. “J” employs Kawasaki’s proprietary battery management technology. For example, GIGACELL, a high-capacity nickel-metal hydride battery, can store large quantities of electricity, enabling a stable supply to a power grid. The next-generation light rail vehicle, SWIMO, captures electric energy generated while braking to be used for acceleration. To us, it simply seems like the answer to a question no one asked. Watch the video and see how the concept leans and changes shape on the move, changing everything from the wheelbase to the riding position.

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