
Posted on Dec 25,2013 in Australia

Gasoline Custom Builds » Tomahawk SR400

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By virtue of being among the best-selling motorcycles in Japan over the last 30 or so years, the Yamaha SR400 is also one of the most customised bikes in the world. OZ-based Gasoline Custom Motorcycle have turned this one into a classic thumper mixed with some modern attitude. The raw finish of the Yammy is accentuated with a simple chrome headlight, hand fabricated rear seat base, LED shark tail light and satin black mini bullet indicators. While the calipers and master cylinders were, again, sourced from USA, most of the other bits have been custom fabricated by the guys in their East Sydney workshop. The stock exhaust also gets ditched in favour of a handcrafted piece from High Tech Mufflers. The rims, which came from a totaled Yamaha XS650 in the USA, are powder coated and set off with 18″ and 19″ Shinko Trials tyres and mean-looking black-coated disc rotors.

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