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Ferrari 250 GT Lusso » Morning Ritual | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Jan 07,2014 in Classic

Ferrari 250 GT Lusso » Morning Ritual

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There are times in life when you stand in front of something and instantly recognize its intrinsic beauty. Whether at a museum, an art gallery, or while watching a film, these brief moments of awareness have the ability to take your breath away. Taking in a Ferrari 250 GT Lusso will likely be one of those moments: the lines, curves, and proportions blend together into a medley of beauty and emotion.

Considered by many to be the most elegant Ferrari ever made, the Lusso isn’t to be taken lightly and has a specific set of rituals that one must complete in order to unleash the fury of the V12 under the hood. James Chen prefers to release that fury in the quiet stillness of the morning when traffic is light and the sun is slowly rising to its magic hour. With few distractions, the empty morning streets of Downtown Los Angeles amplify the two-hundred-and-forty prancing horses that lie in wait for the mash of the throttle. The Lusso may have been designed as a grand tourer but don’t let this designation fool you – the sound screams otherwise.

via Petrolicious

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