
Posted on Jan 08,2014 in USA

The Women’s Motorcycle Exhibit » Behind the scenes » Lanakila MacNaughton

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Lanakila MacNaughton is a Portland-based photographer and motorcyclist. Involved in many outdoor sports from a young age, Lana began documenting her experiences through photography. After developing a passion for motorcycles in her early twenties, she started documenting many facets of motorcycle culture through her lens. Lana shoots in medium format on a Hasselblad CM. Lanakila speaks to her influences and mission for her latest project, “The Woman’s Motorcycle Exhibition: The Real Woman Who Ride.”

The Women’s Motorcycle Exhibition documents the new wave of modern female motorcyclists. The goal is to reveal the brave, courageous and beautiful women that live to ride. The Women’s Motorcycle Exhibition is a traveling show. The mission is to discover and present female riders from all different communities, riding backgrounds, and styles, and maybe even influence some connectivity amongst riders from these different areas. Different communities and venues are invited to host the photo exhibit to aid in this discovery. Lanakila is always looking for women to shoot. Above all, she hopes to illustrate, and really present, the freedom, independence, excitement and personalities’ of “the born to be free” woman motorcyclists.

via Austin Will on Vimeo.

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