
Posted on Feb 08,2014 in Custom

Harley-Davidson 883 Iron » TJ Moto

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Written by Tim Holdup for Pipeburn.

In the world of custom motorcycles fresh new shops and builders are forever surfacing globally. Standing out is somewhat paramount to success and first impressions are crucial to get the ball rolling in your desired direction. Without further adieu, meet ‘NADIA’, she is an intriguing, hand-crafted rigid tail Harley Davidson 883 Iron. NADIA is the debut build from TJ Moto, a small custom bike studio located in New Delhi, India – and from the looks of things, it won’t be their last.

It’s more than easy to purchase mass produced ‘bolt-on’ modifications and be one of the pack, but hand-made pieces designed specifically for that one bike adds such a personal touch – and this is where NADIA finds home. The most notable piece and also the most against the grain being her tubular ‘over the tank’ backbone, advertently she has a floating petrol tank look which really fights the normal appearance of an underslung tank.

Being a rigid conversion, key aspects of rider comfort needed attending to – this is where things get a little interesting with the springer seat. The seat upholstered in distressed brown leather features a mono shock absorbed linkage set up which is pulled off with the use of multiple pieces of custom handmade bracketry.

Her flight deck is very subtle and has a neat uncluttered appearance to it. The speedometer mounted to a literally left of centre location provides a balance with air intake being mounted on the opposing side, coupled with the analog read out speedo sees some of the old school that TJ Moto set out capture in this build.

Breathing through a K & N conical pod filter, NADIA’s untampered with motor soon exits through the 2 – 1 free flow exhaust system, being heat wrapped for that eclectic appeal as well as functionality.

On a build as such, it’s the finer details that really finish it off. TJ Moto took such care in this department. The British racing green with cream inner on the petrol and oil tank are finished off with a tasteful gold pin striping. This pin striping is further complimented by hand-crafted brass fitments in the way of engraved tank caps and tank support clips on that strangely appealing back bone. All these details make TJ Moto’s first build a truly unique custom that really does make it stand out from the crowd.

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