
Posted on Feb 19,2014 in Custom

Kawasaki D-Tracker » Verve Moto

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When Verve Moto were approached by a customer to build a tall, light and powerful enduro bike with a 250cc engine that could handle all the different roads Bali has to offer, they knew the Kawasaki D-Tracker would be the perfect donor. The stock bike is called a D-Tracker in Indonesia (KLX250S in most countries) and is a very popular model given the countries rugged terrain. Verve found a lot of inspiration from the many custom enduro builds coming out of Europe, but they also wanted to put their own ‘Bali style’ into the build.

The idea was to make the bike look clean and aggressive, without any kind of plastic, and so it received a Yamaha XS100 fuel tank, small fenders and cross tyres. As the customer wanted to retain fuel injection, it presented a challenge as the top of the frame was too long and wide to install a classic tank. Another problem was that the fuel pump was also difficult to adapt at the tank. The only solution was a drastic modification of the frame, which saw about three-quarters of the frame chopped and rebuilt. The interior of the tank was modified to let the fuel pump work and the whole frame was cut and welded. A stainless steel exhaust, a nice custom seat, classic headlight and complete rewiring set off this sweet build.

via Pipeburn

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