
Posted on Feb 20,2014 in Art

Hassan Hajjaj » ‘Kesh Angels

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New York’s Taymour Grahne Gallery recently present ‘Kesh Angels, a solo exhibition of work by the Moroccan-born, UK-based artist, Hassan Hajjaj. Marking the artist’s first exhibition in New York, ‘Kesh Angels presents a unique take on the vibrant street culture of Morocco and pays tribute to the biker culture of the young women of Marrakesh in a series of photographs, limited edition objects, an installation, and a video.


As Hajjaj puts it: “Most of the bikes [in the photos] are their own bikes, Marrakech is really a bike city, everybody rides them – young kids, men, women. It’s a feast for the eyes, you’ll see a woman riding with a sheep behind her and her husband behind that, or 2 guys with a big sheet of glass between them. An inspiration for me was Kerima, a 3rd generation henna painter in the main square, who rides her bike back and forth to work every day. She speaks 4 or 5 languages, works 8-10 hours a day, raises two kids, and built her own house.”

Hajjaj, born in 1961 in Larache, Morocco, moved to London in 1975, and now divides his time between London and Marrakesh. Best known as a photographer, he also employs video. His work depicts a globalized society that pushes and blurs the boundaries of cultural identity – whether African, Arab, or Western.

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