
Posted on Feb 27,2014 in Dubai

Bikers Cafe @ The Beach Canteen

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The Beach Canteen project, part of the Dubai Food Festival, saw some of the city’s best-known restaurants serving everything from sushi to tacos for 10 days. Bikers Cafe was there at the opening on Wednesday 26th February at Kite Beach, along with sister outlet Loca. During the early hours, prior to the media event at 5PM, we were running a bit late, but successfully managed to bring it all together and complete the set-up with a new vespa 946 arriving on time for the show. Esteemed members of the media started arriving early, and the event was soon packed with numerous restaurants offering food tasting opportunities to those present. It was a great event for Bikers Cafe as we had the opportunity to meet and interact with a large number of people, highlighted by a free foozball table, table tennis games and a host of other fun activities. More images below.

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