
Posted on May 12,2014 in Custom

Events » Bikers Café turns 3!

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It seems like yesterday when Bikers Café first opened its doors in Dubai. Time flies, as they say, and yesterday, we celebrated our third anniversary with lots of festivities and frolic. Owing to the fact that many of our customers had more than one customized motorcycle, the previous day saw several custom bikes being dropped off at the café for the custom bike show. on the big day, the tune was set with the music band setting up their stuff inside the café and balloons being readied. Custom motorcycles started to arrive as early as 6PM to fill their spots in the front of the café, with the early birds getting to choose the best seats. A big shout out to Rumble Cycles, Superbikes, Cafe Rider and the numerous biker groups who took the time to be part of our birthday bash.

As the evening progressed, the band really hit the high notes, impressing the guests, who commented on it being the perfect accompaniment for a special evening like this. As more and more people started coming in, the staff had to do some minor re-arranging, and even had to bring in more tables to accomodate our lovely guests. At the end of the day, the birthday cake was brought in, and everone, including our staff, made sure to share the celebrations with one another, even singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song in front of the café! Among the highlights of the evening was a raffle draw, where people got to win big gifts from Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa, as well as special gift bags with coffee mugs and cookies from La Bonne Vie, cool MOMO Design cell phone covers and special dine-in discount vouchers for Bikers Cafe Fujairah. We would like to extend our thanks to MOMO Design, the awesome band, custom bike owners, motorcycle groups, our fabulous staff and, of course, our wonderful customers!

A big thanks to all of you who tried but coudn’t make it as well. We love you all!

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