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Lifestyle » Gi-Bike | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on May 16,2014 in Bicycle

Lifestyle » Gi-Bike

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Gi-Bike is a connected, lightweight, electric folding bike with which the creators aim to revolutionize and transform the way millions commute to work. Apparently, it has enough features to satisfy all the needs of the everyday commuter. To begin, the bike is foldable – it only takes a second and one motion to fold, and can easily be carried like a wheeled-luggage. It even features electric assistance, knowing when you need help and will assist you with the electric engine. It also receives wheel smart LED lights that turn on at night and includes an app connected to the bike´s integrated anti-theft lock that locks automatically once you walk 10 feet away from it. The app also allows you to control all of Gi’s features, including its electric assistance, wireless lights, and also provides live statistics measuring calories burned, speed, time, mileage, and more.

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