
Posted on May 23,2014 in MotoGP

Michelin to become MotoGP Official Tyre supplier

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Following French tyre manufacturer Michelin’s official tender, Dorna (they are the commercial rights holder for MotoGP, in case you didn’t know.) has announced that Michelin is to become the Official Tyre Supplier to MotoGP as of the 2016 World Championship season.

Michelin Tyre logo, British MotoGP 2007

At the beginning of May 2014 Dorna, in agreement with the FIM, opened a tender for tyre manufacturers interested in becoming Official Tyre Supplier to MotoGP from the 2016 season. Interested tyre manufacturers were able to request the technical specifications from Dorna’s Managing Director Javier Alonso, with three potential tyre suppliers initially expressing an interest – before Michelin alone made a formal tender before the 22nd May deadline. The next step in the process will be the drawing out of a commercial agreement between Dorna and Michelin as Official Tyre Supplier, Michelin having already clearly proven its technical abilities to respond to the needs of a demanding Grand Prix racing schedule.

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