
Posted on Jun 17,2014 in Custom

Custom Ducati 1098 “Malizia” by Shed X

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Well this was a pretty straight forward build…for someone who knows what he’s doing. And the Shed X guys from Sydney seem to know just that. Take one perfectly normal Ducati 1098S and make it more beautiful and more fun. Easy, right. Well, for them it is. All they needed to do is to re-design a new subframe and tail section to get the lines flowing perfectly. Then to re-arrange some of the electrics to achieve the clean look and use different style tires – for street use.

Then they fabricated a completely new exhaust using parts from Radical Ducati and Spark (muffler) and paint the bloody thing to look purdy. Quite easy. 12kg less, 160hp on tap and you get an amazing and fun bike. Job done.

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