The Many Injuries of Evel Knievel
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Born in 1938, American daredevil and entertainer Robert Craig Knievel, better known as Evel Knievel, lived a hard and fast life until his natural death in 2007, aged 69. Most of you know that he was a motorcycle stuntman beyond your craziest dreams, but did you know that good ol’ Evel holds the Guinness World Record for the “most bones broken in a lifetime”? Well, there are a recorded 433 crunched bones (and the human body has all of 206 bones, remember!) which statistically makes for each bone broken twice, and then some.
That said, we just found this image floating on the interwebs, and had to share it with you. A man who seemed to defy physics, natural laws and death in order to entertain the mad hordes. Salute!
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