
Posted on Jul 03,2014 in Bobber

Navy F3 Rocketeer by Darwin Motorcycles

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America, Land of the Brave, Home of the Free. Crafting custom cars and motorcycles has long been a tradition in the US of A, ingrained in the culture. Check out this sexy US Navy Tribute Custom Motorcycle aka Navy F3 Rocketeer by Brass Balls Cycles for instance.

Built by Dar Holdsworth, this custom bobber is based on the firm’s award-winning Rocketeer F3 edition, and receives Racing Innovations Darwin Rocketeer rigid frame, along with an S&S 93″ Knucklehead engine equipped with a Baker 6-speed transmission and a 2″ narrow belt system from BDL.

The fuel tank and rear fender are machined from a solid block of billet aluminium, with Holdsworth toiling for an insane 300 man hours on both the items. Other fabrication work includes an oil tank and finned sides, which are also machined from billet aluminium. Integrated into the frame is an adjustable air bag system that reduces vibrations and makes for a comfy ride.

A MeanStreet Slammer front end is accompanied by a Wilwood front brake, Alloy Art’s panhead light, Biltwell bars, grips and risers, with the back end housing Mini Martini tail lights from Todd’s Cycle and a Garage Leathers solo bag. See that rear fender floating above the tyre? That is courtesy of hidden machined ledges that are the exact same dimension as the water jet steel struts crafted by Holdsworth. Even the foot pegs use an arresting cable from the USS Enterprise, where it was employed to stop the airplanes when landing. The custom bobber is set off with Ridewright brushed aluminium hubs and rims wrapped in Avon rubber.

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