
Posted on Jul 03,2014 in Custom

Custom Ducati » Yuri Shif DUster

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Situated on the western border of Russia, Belarus is a country that most of you might not be familiar with, let alone recognize it as a nation with some innovative custom motorcycle builders. Yuri Shif has made its name with quite a few outrageous builds, including this mad custom Ducati (yes it used to be a Duc!) they call the DUster. In addition to retaining just the first two letters of the iconic Italian marque, Yuri Shif has ditched almost every part that it deemed unnecessary. Apparently, it is so good that it won the Best Streetfighter trophy at the 2009 Custombike show in Germany, and then went on to win the Best International Builder award at the Verona expo in Italy. What do you think, hot or not?

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