
Posted on Jul 05,2014 in Art

Vintage Silkscreen Racing Posters

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Silkscreen printing, like many other retro techniques, seems to have given way to newer and more convenient methods that, while convenient, doesn’t offer much in terms of ‘DIY’ satisfaction. For the uninitiated, it is a form of stencilling that first appeared in a recognizable form in China during the Song Dynasty, before being adapted by other Asian countries like Japan, and later by Europe. Before computers and digital printers would change our lives forever, silkscreen printing was one of best ways of printing a multiple coloured design onto paper, clothing, canvas or other surface.

The gorgeous vintage racing posters you see here is done entirely by hand by the team at French workshop Rustle of Silk, who have a thing for doing everything by hand, and yes, they are passionate about vintage motorsport posters too. Cool.

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