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NORTORIUS by Goldammer | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Jul 13,2014 in Custom

NORTORIUS by Goldammer

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Based on a featherbed style frame, the builder used a much modified, supercharged, single cylinder Harley Davidson engine like the one first seen on project Trouble. The single front cylinder displaces 965cc and uses the rear head. A Rotex supercharger is mounted in place of the rear cylinder.

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Loads of custom work went into the build, all of the wiring and hydraulic lines run inside the frame with nothing visible on the outside. Even the wheels that appear to look like the old style wires with drum brakes, actually have disc brakes hidden inside.


The half a v twin produces 83 rear wheel horse power at 6400 rpm. Fuel injection uses a 54mm Zippers second hand throttle body and a special Thunder Heart ECM in a closed loop configuration. The builder developed a fuel pump mapping program to provide correct air / fuel ratios, while running up to 20-pounds of boost to compensate for the superchargers flow.


Materials courtesy goldammercycle.com

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