
Posted on Jul 22,2014 in Asia

Custom Honda CB125 » Monstub

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We’ve been seing truckloads of custom motorcycles coming from American and European builders, consisting primarily of badass choppers and sublime cafe racers, with the odd one thrown into the mix once in a while. Even then, we do have a good supply from innovative Japanese builders, but Chinese? Yes, we have featured a few solid builds from Bandit9, but that’s about it. And then comes this unbelievably cool custom Honda motorcycle from Chengdu, the Monstub, built by the very talented Valen Zhou. This tinkered CB125’s name is an amalgamation of Monster and Cub, simply because it looks weird and has a small capacity engine.

Custom Honda Motorcycle Cb125 Chinese

The story behind it is pretty interesting. Valen’s girlfriend Remo was interviewing The Vintagent’s Paul d’Orléans when he asked her how she got around to finding him. The reply was that her boyfriend was working on a custom bike. Talk about things falling into place! Anyhow, the Monstub is Valen’s first project, taking him about three months to finish. As the word goes, there are no big name brands here, with most parts hand-fabricated and set off with a raw finish. We hear Valen has started work on his second bike. Watch this space!

Check out the full build at The Vintagent

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