
Posted on Jul 23,2014 in Custom

The Speed Merchant Custom Motorcycles

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The quartet of custom motorcycles you see here, a pair each of Harley-Davidsons and Triumphs, are the work of California-based Speed Merchant. Brandon Holstein (of Brawny Built fame), Denver Dan, and Mark Kawakami are a bunch of like-minded guys who bring something different to the table but with the intention of bringing their sense of style and function to the motorcycle industry. Speed Merchant is essentially a low-volume manufacturer of parts for the custom motorcycle community, and a hugely respected one at that, which means you’d have probably seen their goods gracing a number of top-flight customs.

Custom Motorcycles Speed Merchant

These images by Mike Quinones of ourCaste and Mark Oblow, in the backdrop of the expansive desert, is so mesmerising that you’d simply want to get on your own classic steed and hit the road. Be warned!

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