Custom Harley-Davidson by 7ages
When 7ages first got this bike, it was a stock Harley-Davidson 88ci Dyna, one of the first Twin Cams in 1999. Painted a bright metallic blue, about five years later it was blinged up somewhat with HD bits, a 95″ engine tune up, and a nice gloss black paint job, before finally transforming into the white Caesar Racer in 2010. The custom Harley-Davidson had always been a favourite at 7ages, with its amazing sound and fun handling characteristics, with the end of 2013 seeing a new paint job.
The paint was applied by Keith Crawley in Tunbridge Wells, wheels powdercoated and new rubber slapped on by ASF in Crowborough. Assembly is by Richard Taylor, while the new Caesar Racer logo is by David Hardy. 35mm film shots by Ian Solley Leica M9 35mm Lens / Digital Shots Paul Leeson Panasonic GH2