
Posted on Jul 31,2014 in Art

Custom Harley-Davidson ‘Decoson’

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If you haven’t heard of Randy Grubb yet, this stunning creation, the Decoson, will ensure that you’ll never forget him for the rest of your life. The aluminium fabricator – or an artist, depending on your perception – has crafted quite a few automotive jewels in the past, and this one is his latest, the name paying tribute to his famous Decoliner.

Based on a 1984 Harley-Davidson Sportster, much of the original motorcycle was swapped for custom hand-made bits. A hardtail sits at the back, with lower drag bars integrated inside the body, custom seat and chopped off fuel tank complementing the lowered gauges, switches and electronics. There are also openings around the front wheel and sides, designed to channel cool air to the air-cooled v-twin. Now that is one awesome custom Harley-Davidson, don’t you think?

Check out the videos and see Randy Grubb at work on the Decoson.

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