
Posted on Aug 14,2014 in Helmet

Skully AR-1 » World’s Smartest Motorcycle Helmet

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Dubbed the world’s smartest helmet, the Skully AR-1 helmet recently shook crowd-funding site indigogo by raising a whopping USD 650,000 in its first day! It features all the usual cutting-edge tech, but what makes it revolutionary are a few other, very cool features.

Skully Ar 1 Helmet Smart 8

The Skully AR-1 boasts an integrated heads-up display, rearview camera, GPS navigation and Bluetooth communication. The display shows a rear view camera feed with a near 180-degree viewing angle. This means it not only sees what is behind you, but also what is in your left and right blind spots. The display also optionally shows turn by turn directions. These turn by turn icons are present only when needed, then automatically disappear when not in use.

Skully Ar 1 Helmet Smart 7

It also optionally, if supported by the motorcycle, may display vehicle telemetry such as speed, gear, tachometer and more. It can also be connected to your smartphone to display calls, messages and even music tracks. The transparent display is positioned outside the rider’s primary field of view and appears to float in the distance, which means you can see the road ahead without any obstruction from the display.

The company claims a battery life of 9 hours during continuous use, with recharging done using any standard micro-USB cable.

You can help fund the project or pre-order yours here.

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