
Posted on Aug 24,2014 in Design


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Halfbike is an innovative transportation tricycle, designed for short commuting trips and for leisure or fitness purposes. Its creators say that the Halfbike brings a novel experience by combining running and cycling. The rider´s position is upright and higher up than a traditional bike, and you can turn simply by leaning your body left or right as it moves. It looks like a quick and fun way to cycle, and is compact enough for an elevator, light enough to carry it on stairs and fits into spaces too small for a normal bike.

Halfbike is hand-made from high-quality materials and components, with an emphasis on clear and minimalistic design and optimized details. The lightweight aluminium frame is laser cut and hand-welded and the handlebar is hand-crafted from impregnated plywood. The rest of the components are meticulously selected and come from a range of well-known manufacturers.

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