
Posted on Aug 25,2014 in Design

Boosted Board Electric Skateboard

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The awesome things you see funded on Kickstarter, seriously! The Boosted Board electric skateboard one such result of yet another successful Kickstarter campaign, dubbed by its makers as the “The World’s Lightest Electric Vehicle”. Okay, so while it may not exactly be a Tesla S, the 6.8kg electric skateboard is powered by 2000 watts (which translates into a mighty 2.6 horsepower!), has a near-10 kilometre range and can travel at speeds up to 32km/h. Apparently, the Boosted Board electric skateboard requires just 90 minutes for a full charge; everything is controlled via a wireless handheld remote with throttle and braking control and a battery gauge readout. Buy it here for USD 1,995.

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