
Posted on Aug 26,2014 in Bicycle

Patchnride » Bicycle Flat Repair

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Flat tyres, we all hate when it happens, don’t we? Even if you spin the most expensive set of axles, there is nothing more frustrating than getting a punctured tyre; patching up the tube or replacing it altogether can be as irritating as it is time consuming. And that is exactly what the team at Patchnride have attempted to solve with their ingenious solution, which lets you repair all punctured bicycle tires on the go in less than a minute. Yes, 60 seconds. It lets you patch the puncture from the inside by simply pushing the spike into the tyre hole, pulling the slider to load the patch, and finally pressing the magic button to release the adhesive. That’s it, pump up the tyre and you´re ready to go.

The tool is claimed to fix punctures up to 3mm (0.12 in) in size and will work with just about any bicycle, be it cruisers, mountain or road bikes, as long as its wheels run on inner tubes. The kit includes the patchnride tool, two patch pods and two leak detectors, and can be pre-ordered here for USD 30. Additional patch pods will set you back by USD 12. No more greasy hands and banging heads, then. Watch the videos to see Patchnride in action.

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