
Posted on Aug 27,2014 in Custom

Custom Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail » RSD

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Roland Sand Design’s Del Mar Softail is a homage to the original ‘Go Left Fast Track’ in Southern California, the Del Mar Mile. The custom Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail’s stance is inspired by bobbed big-twin racers of the past, but with a modern twist. The team bead blasted their Vintage Kit and gave it a clear powdercoat that allows the raw metal to shine through, along with hammering out a couple of aluminium fuel tank side panels and welding some threaded bungs into the tank in order to bolt them on.

Custom Harley Davidson Softail Roland Sands Design

Also fitted are lightweight Del Mar wheels, inspired by the original billet flat track wheel designed by Roland nearly 13 years ago. The 19″ Machine Ops finish front and rear wheels with Dunlop flat track race tyres fit into a narrow 150mm fender well, with use of ride height-adjustable Progressive Suspension 422 series RAP shocks.

The Softail Heritage also had its original light bars and tin stripped off, replaced with RSD’s new Nostalgia headlight and some really cool billet upper fork covers from Rough Crafts. A custom fork brace was fabricated to clear the large front tyre by using a fender-to-fork adapter from Drag Specialties – usually used to raise a stock front fender to clear a 21″ front wheel/tire combo on FLST models.

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