
Posted on Sep 06,2014 in Art

Michael Bay bringing Cosmic Motors to life!

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Word has it that Transformers director Michael Bay is planning to make a movie on Cosmic Motors, a gorgeous, sci-fi coffee-table book that revolves around futuristic cars, planes and racing; it essentially explores vehicle designs of a far away galaxy called Galaxion where futuristic concepts exist in everyday life. Nine different spaceships, pods, race cars, giant trains, warships and balloons from various planets of the Galaxion system are shown from concept to completion.

Cosmic Motors Daniel Simon

And you must have heard of Daniel Simon before, right? The German-born concept designer, author, and producer, has his professional roots as a senior designer at Bugatti and Volkswagen. But you’re sure to know him better from his iconic fantasy vehicles for Hollywood blockbuster films like as Tron: Legacy, Captain America: The First Avenger, Prometheus, and Oblivion. And yes, he also created the stunning Lotus C-01 concept motorcycle.

The grapevine also suggests that Bay is thinking about getting Kyle Ward, the writer behind Machete Kills, to adapt the book into a screenplay. A movie packed with vehicles like these and stunning CGI would be phenomenal, and even a remotely adequate storyline ought to satiate the audiences. Let’s hope Bay doesn’t make it as cheesy as his recent Transformer sequels.

Image Copyright: Cosmic Motors LLC / Daniel Simon (www.danielsimon.com)

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